fb has just informed me that last year at this time I had just completed a hike to Hanging Lake with some dear, dear people and then I posted a lovely photo of the mountains out of the living room window of my favorite house that I have ever lived in in my entire life. two years ago on this day I was having my breath taken away by the very early morning views from Cottonwood Pass after dropping my Mom off at the airport, listening to KDNK, and heading home to sit in the hot tub and watch the humming birds. and 6 years ago today I had a lovely hike at the base of Mt Sopris with some other dear, dear people. I didn't know when I made those posts that they would simultaneously sooth and torture the future me. today I had a great vegan lunch in a magical place, I did some yoga on the bow of a sailboat, which was lovely, I saw a great lightning storm in a dramatically beautiful sky, and I felt homesick anyway. right now I am desperately scouring the internet for custom bed makers who can get some new beds made for #SVDeepPeace in less than 6 weeks and for some bilge cleaners for hire, as I don't feel up to the task and the smell in the boat has not been completely cleared up by changing the head hoses. some nice things: boxed red wine and good bread and cheese for dinner. a reasonably good internet connection. and Adam is still an even better husband than I ever could have imagined. soon, soon we hope to be actually sailing. that might be a nice thing to make all the other things seem less not nice.