If I had a magic wand, I would use it to transform all bombs into trees and grasslands, all guns into songs.
If I had a magic wand, I would give every refugee a home and every soldier a righted wrong and a bicycle and send him out to play.
I don't have a magic wand today, but I do have a heart, a mind, and an internet connection. With them I offer these:
Meditation tools. Grounding. Centering. Breathing. Orienting (Noticing).
* Feel your feet. Feel any part of you that is touching the ground or the chair. (Grounding)
* Look around and notice where you are. Look up. Look down. All around. Simply notice what is around you. (Orienting)
* Then close your eyes and notice the sounds around you. Notice how many channels of sounds you can hear. Allow yourself to be there with the sounds. (Orienting)
* Take one deep breath to settle yourself and then begin to follow your breath, from the moment the air touches your nostrils with your inhale. Feel it fill up your chest and belly, and feel it as it leaves your body with your exhale. Notice if the air feels warmer or colder. Repeat for four breaths, lengthening each exhale. (Breathing. Centering.)
* Notice how your whole body feels. Check in with each part of your body, one at a time and then your whole body. (Orienting)
Anytime you deliberately notice the present (the here and now) without reaction, you are meditating.
And this: Soul friend, John O'Donohue, interviewed for On Being: http://www.onbeing.org/program/john-o-donohue-the-inner-landscape-beauty/203
Seen while walking to the public library in Lewes, Delaware yesterday.